
To ensure consistent quality of an ink IGT Testing Systems has developed a series of testers to measure in an efficient, reliable and reproducible way, some of the rheological properties of offset printing inks and related materials. All testers are fully computer controlled.

The fields of application are Quality Assurance, R&D and troubleshooting. Because of the high repeatability and reproducibility of measurements by the IGT tack testers these are widely used by multinationals. The measured tack values can be reliable exchanged between facilities to ensure a homogeneous quality all over the world.


Analysis options +

    Camera +

      Cell depth µm +

        Diameter in mm +

          Forces +

            Inks or liquids +

              Lifting system +

                Line count l/inch +

                  Material surface +

                    Measurement range +

                    Nr. of doctoring systems +

                      Nr. of engravings +

                        Nr. of printing shafts +

                          Print width in mm +

                            Screen Angle ° +

                              Shaft diameter in mm +

                                Shore A Hardness +

                                  Test method +

                                    Tester +

                                      Type of anilox +

                                        Volume - BCMI +

                                          Volume - ml/m2 +

                                            Water bath and temperature +

                                              Wedge (%) +

                                                Width in mm +